
6min read

A New Chapter for Flagship as it Merges with the AB Tasty Website

We are excited to share that as a part of our ongoing strategy to optimize how you access AB Tasty’s suite of experimentation and personalization tools, Flagship by AB Tasty is now evolving to join the AB Tasty brand and website.

This doesn’t mean your favorite experience rollout and feature management tools are disappearing, but rather it’s part of a new exciting chapter for AB Tasty with the goal to make all our features available in one place under one name.

We have merged the AB Tasty and Flagship websites. All resources and landing pages previously hosted on Flagship’s website ( can now be found in one location on the AB Tasty website (

This branding evolution means the Flagship name will be phased out and then retired. While we feel a little nostalgic for the old name, the end goal is to make it easier to get access to the AB Tasty umbrella of solutions and features and join them together to keep our promise of being your go-to-platform for improving and optimizing the customer experience.

If you have questions about what this change means for you, you’ve come to the right place. Below we will dig into what is changing, helpful links and resources and some general FAQs.

As always, our team of AB Tasty magic makers are available to answer any additional questions that might pop up along the way. If you have any more questions after reading this, don’t hesitate to send us an email at and we will update this page as needed.

How are AB Tasty and Flagship related?

AB Tasty and Flagship have always been the same company, just with different names for the server-side solutions and client-side solutions.

AB Tasty’s experimentation suite enables brands to carry out client-side A/B testing and personalizations in order to provide a richer digital experience and boost conversions.

Meanwhile, Flagship by AB Tasty is also built to provide richer experiences that convert through risk-free feature management, server-side experimentation and personalization. Again, same company, just different ways of helping brands provide the best experience for their customers.

What do you mean when you say merge? Will the Flagship website be gone for good?

Yes, everything on the Flagship website ( has moved over to the AB Tasty website ( This means links to existing landing pages and resources are all redirected to AB Tasty, and any new resources will be posted directly on AB Tasty from here on out. Easily access resources like e-books, blogs, guides and more by clicking on the resources tab above or following the link here.

Why are we merging the Flagship and AB Tasty websites and names?

From the start, our focus has always been on what we do best, which is giving clients the tools they need to validate ideas while maximizing impact, minimizing risk and accelerating time to market.

Marketing teams and tech teams are working more closely together than ever before to bring new features to market to stay competitive. Our customer-first approach means we want to make our features more accessible and find the tools you need for all your experimentation and personalization needs. For this reason, we have decided to bring Flagship to the AB Tasty website and to position it as AB Tasty’s Feature Experimentation and Experience Rollouts rather than as a separate solution.

Many of our client-side clients have evolved their experimentation needs to the point where they are running more advanced experiments and rolling out more advanced features. For our clients who are ready to start server-side experimentation, this change makes it much easier and faster to find all the information and support they need about all our features, including our server-side functionality, in one place.

What will happen to all the resources (blog posts, guides, e-books, etc.) on the

As mentioned above, the Flagship content is now migrated and all links from are redirected to the AB Tasty. From there, all our resources from guides to blog posts and e-books about feature management, experimentation and more can all be found on the AB Tasty website.

You’ll find your favorite content can be easily accessed here if you filter for the “Rollouts” and “Feature Experimentation” topics.

How can I log into my Flagship account? And where can I access the documentation and SDK libraries?

You can access your accounts by visiting and clicking the login button in the top right-hand corner.

All our documentation and SDKs will have the same links as before. You can access them below:

How will the merger affect existing customers of both Flagship and AB Tasty and the support they receive?

All our clients, regardless of whether they are using AB Tasty or Flagship or both, will not be affected. You can continue to use our platform for all your experimentation needs without any changes.

Likewise, you can expect to receive the same level of support and have access to the same dedicated team for client- and/or server-side experiments as before.

As always, your CSM will inform you in a timely manner when/if there any changes to the platform occur.

How will the merger affect new customers? Where can I sign up for a demo for AB Tasty’s Feature Experimentation and Rollouts?

If you’re new and you’d like to try out AB Tasty’s Feature Experimentation or Experience Rollouts, click the banner below or click the “Get a demo” button on the top right-hand corner of the page to explore how server-side experiments can positively impact your business.

A very special thank you to our customers and our partners for supporting us in this exciting evolution of AB Tasty. Your feedback and support helps shape important changes such as these, and we are grateful for it.

Have any additional questions about Flagship and AB Tasty? Send us an email at to let us know and stay tuned for more exciting updates and information still to come!

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