Data & Analytics Archives - abtasty Tue, 26 Mar 2024 14:06:20 +0000 en-GB hourly 1 Data & Analytics Archives - abtasty 32 32 Analytics Reach New Heights With Google BigQuery + AB Tasty Mon, 25 Mar 2024 09:40:10 +0000 AB Tasty and Google BigQuery have joined forces to provide seamless integration, enabling customers with extensive datasets to access insights, automate, and make data-driven decisions to push their experimentation efforts forward. We have often discussed the complexity of understanding data […]

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AB Tasty and Google BigQuery have joined forces to provide seamless integration, enabling customers with extensive datasets to access insights, automate, and make data-driven decisions to push their experimentation efforts forward.

We have often discussed the complexity of understanding data to power your experimentation program. When companies are dealing with massive datasets they need to find an agile and effective way to allow that information to enrich their testing performance and to identify patterns, trends, and insights.

Go further with data analytics

Google BigQuery is a fully managed cloud data warehouse solution, which enables quick storage and analysis of vast amounts of data. This serverless platform is highly scalable and cost-effective, tailored to support businesses in analyzing extensive datasets for making well-informed decisions. 

With Google BigQuery, users can effortlessly execute complex analytical SQL queries, leveraging its integrated machine-learning capabilities.

This integration with AB Tasty’s experience optimization platform means customers with large datasets can use BigQuery to store and analyze large volumes of testing data. By leveraging BigQuery’s capabilities, you can streamline data analysis processes, accelerate experimentation cycles, and drive innovation more effectively.

Here are some of the many benefits of Google BigQuery’s integration with AB Tasty to help you trial better:

  • BigQuery as a data source

With AB Tasty’s integration, specific data from AB Tasty can be sent regularly to your BigQuery set. Each Data Ingestion Task has a name, an SQL query to get what you need, and timed frequency for data retrieval. This information helps make super-focused ads and messages, making it easier to reach the right people.

  • Centralized storage of data from AB Tasty

The AB Tasty and BigQuery integration simplifies campaign analysis too by eliminating the need for SQL or BI tools. Their dashboard displays a clear comparison of metrics on a single page, enhancing efficiency. You can leverage BigQuery for experiment analysis without duplicating reporting in AB Tasty, getting the best of both platforms. Incorporate complex metrics and segments by querying our enriched events dataset and link event data with critical business data from other platforms. Whether through web or feature experimentation, it means more accurate experiments at scale to drive business growth and success.

  • Machine learning

BigQuery can also be used for machine learning on experimentation programs, helping you to predict outcomes and better understand your specific goals. BigQuery gives you AI-driven predictive analytics for scaling personalized multichannel campaigns, free from attribution complexities or uncertainties. Access segments that dynamically adjust to real-time customer behavior, unlocking flexible, personalized, and data-driven marketing strategies to feed into your experiments.

  • Enhanced segmentation and comprehensive insight

BigQuery’s ability to understand behavior means that you can segment better. Its data segmentation allows for categorizing users based on various attributes or behaviors. With data that is sent to Bigquery from experiments, you can create personalized content or features tailored to specific user groups, optimizing engagement and conversion rates.

Finally, the massive benefit of this integration is to get joined-up reporting – fully automated and actionable reports on experimentation, plus the ability to feed data from other sources to get the full picture.

A continued partnership

This integration comes after Google named AB Tasty an official Google Cloud Partner last year, making us available on the Google Cloud Marketplace to streamline marketplace transactions. We are also fully integrated with Google Analytics 4. We were also thrilled to be named as one of the preferred vendors from Google for experimentation after the Google Optimize sunset. 

As we continue to work closely with the tech giant to help our customers continue to grow, you can find out more about this integration here.

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How to Better Handle Collateral Effects of Experimentation: Dynamic Allocation vs Sequential Testing Thu, 07 Dec 2023 10:12:48 +0000 When talking about web experimentation, the topics that often come up are learning and earning. However, it’s important to remember that a big part of experimentation is encountering risks and losses. Although losses can be a touchy topic, it’s important […]

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When talking about web experimentation, the topics that often come up are learning and earning. However, it’s important to remember that a big part of experimentation is encountering risks and losses. Although losses can be a touchy topic, it’s important to talk about and destigmatize failed tests in experimentation because it encourages problem-solving, thinking outside of your comfort zone and finding ways to mitigate risk. 

Therefore, we will take a look at the shortcomings of classic hypothesis testing and look into other options. Basic hypothesis testing follows a rigid protocol: 

  • Creating the variation according to the hypothesis
  • Waiting a given amount of time 
  • Analyzing the result
  • Decision-making (implementing the variant, keeping the original, or proposing a new variant)

This rigid protocol and simple approach to testing doesn’t say anything about how to handle losses. This raises the question of what happens if something goes wrong? Additionally, the classic statistical tools used for analysis are not meant to be used before the end of the experiment.

If we consider a very general rule of thumb, let’s say that out of every 10 experiments, 8 will be neutral (show no real difference), one will be positive, and one will be negative. Practicing classic hypothesis testing suggests that you just accept that as a collateral effect of the optimization process hoping to even it out in the long term. It may feel like crossing a street blindfolded.

For many, that may not cut it. Let’s take a look at two approaches that try to better handle this problem: 

  • Dynamic allocation – also known as “Multi Armed Bandit” (MAB). This is where traffic allocation changes for each variation according to their performance, implicitly lowering the losses.
  • Sequential testing – a method that allows you to stop a test as soon as possible, given a risk aversion threshold.

These approaches are statistically sound but they come with their assumptions. We will go through their pros and cons within the context of web optimization.

First, we’ll look into the classic version of these two techniques and their properties and give tips on how to mitigate some of their problems and risks. Then, we’ll finish this article with some general advice on which techniques to use depending on the context of the experiment.

Dynamic allocation (DA)

Dynamic allocation’s main idea is to use statistical formulas that modify the amount of visitors exposed to a variation depending on the variation’s performance. 

This means a poor-performing variation will end up having little traffic which can be seen as a way to save conversions while still searching for the best-performing variation. Formulas ensure the best compromise between avoiding loss and finding the real best-performing variation. However, this implies a lot of assumptions that are not always met and that make DA a risky option. 

There are two main concerns, both of which are linked to the time aspect of the experimentation process: 

  • The DA formula does not take time into account 

If there is a noticeable delay between the variation exposure and the conversion, the algorithm may go wrong resulting in a visitor being considered a ‘failure’ until they convert. This means that the time between a visit and a conversion will be falsely counted as a failure.

As a result, the DA will use the wrong conversion information in its formula so that any variation gaining traffic will automatically see a (false) performance drop because it will detect a growing number of non-converting visitors. As a result, traffic to that variation will be reduced.  

The reverse may also be true: a variation with decreasing traffic will no longer have any new visitors while existing visitors of this variation could eventually convert. In that sense, results would indicate a (false) rise in conversions even when there are no new visitors, which would be highly misleading.

DA gained popularity within the advertising industry where the delay between an ad exposure and its potential conversion (a click) is short. That’s why it works perfectly well in this context. The use of Dynamic Allocation in CRO must be done in a low conversion delay context only.

In other words, DA should only be used in scenarios where visitors convert quickly. It’s not recommended for e-commerce except for short-term campaigns such as flash sales or when there’s not enough traffic for a classic AB test. It can also be used if the conversion goal is clicking on an ad on a media website.

  • DA and the different days of the week 

It’s very common to see different visitor behavior depending on the day of the week. Typically, customers may behave differently on weekends than during weekdays.  

With DA, you may be sampling days unevenly, implicitly giving more weight on some days for some variations. However, you should weigh each day the same because, in reality, you have the same amount of weekdays. You should only use Dynamic Allocation if you know that the optimized KPI is not sensitive to fluctuations during the week.

The conclusion is that DA should be considered only when you expect too few total visitors for classic A/B testing. Another requirement is that the KPI under experimentation needs a very short conversion time and no dependence on the day of the week. Taking all this into account: Dynamic Allocation should not be used as a way to secure conversions.

Sequential Testing (ST)

Sequential Testing is when a specific statistical formula is used enabling you to stop an experiment. This will depend on the performance of variations with given guarantees on the risk of false positives. 

The Sequential Testing approach is designed to secure conversions by stopping a variation as soon as its underperformance is statistically proven. 

However, it still has some limitations. When it comes to effect size estimation, the effect size may be wrong in two senses: 

  • Bad variations will be seen as worse than they really are. It’s not a problem in CRO because the false positive risk is still guaranteed. This means that in the worst-case scenario, you will discard not a strictly losing variation but maybe just an even one, which still makes sense in CRO.
  • Good variations will be seen as better than they really are. It may be a problem in CRO since not all winning variations are useful for business. The effect size estimation is key to business decision-making. This can easily be mitigated by using sequential testing to stop losing variations only. Winning variations, for their part, should be continued until the planned end of the experiment, ensuring both correct effect size estimation and an even sampling for each day of the week.
    It’s important to note that not all CRO software use this hybrid approach. Most of them use ST to stop both winning and losing variations, which is wrong as we’ve just seen.

As we’ve seen, by stopping a losing variation in the middle of the week, there’s a risk you may be discarding a possible winning variation. 

However, to actually have a winning variation after ST has shown that it’s underperforming, this variation will need to perform so well that it becomes even with the reference. Then, it would also have to perform so well that it outperforms the reference and all that would need to happen in a few days. This scenario is highly unlikely.

Therefore, it’s safe to stop a losing variation with Sequential Testing, even if all weekdays haven’t been evenly sampled.

The best of both worlds in CRO 

Dynamic Allocation is the best approach to experimentation instead of static allocation when you expect a small volume of traffic. It should be used only in the context of ‘short delay KPI’ and with no known weekday effect (for example: flash sales). However, it’s not a way to mitigate risk in a CRO strategy.

To be able to run experiments with all the needed guarantees, you need a hybrid system using Sequential Testing to stop losing variations and a classic method to stop a winning variation. This method will allow you to have the best of both worlds.


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Harmony or Dissonance: Decoding Data Divergence Between AB Tasty and Google Analytics Wed, 22 Nov 2023 09:34:30 +0000 The world of data collection has grown exponentially over the years, providing companies with crucial information to make informed decisions. However, within this complex ecosystem, a major challenge arises: data divergence.  Two analytics tools, even if they seem to be […]

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The world of data collection has grown exponentially over the years, providing companies with crucial information to make informed decisions. However, within this complex ecosystem, a major challenge arises: data divergence. 

Two analytics tools, even if they seem to be following the same guidelines, can at times produce different results. Why do they differ? How do you leverage both sets of data for your digital strategy?

In this article, we’ll use a concrete example of a user journey to illustrate differences in attribution between AB Tasty and Google Analytics. GA is a powerful tool for gathering and measuring data across the entire user journey. AB Tasty lets you easily make changes to your site and measure the impact on specific goals. 

Navigating these differences in attribution strategies will explain why there can be different figures across different types of reports. Both are important to look at and which one you focus on will depend on your objectives:

  • Specific improvements in cross-session user experiences 
  • Holistic analysis of user behavior

Let’s dive in! 

Breaking it down with a simple use case

We’re going to base our analysis on a deliberately very basic use case, based on the user journey of a single visitor.

Campaign A is launched before the first session of the visitor and remains live until the end which occurs after the 3rd session of the visitor.

Here’s an example of the user journey we’ll be looking at in the rest of this article: 

  • Session 1:  first visit, Campaign A is not triggered (the visitor didn’t match all of the targeting conditions)
  • Session 2:  second visit, Campaign A is triggered (the visitor matched all of the targeting conditions)
  • Session 3:  third visit, no re-triggering of Campaign A which is still live, and the user carries out a transaction.

NB A visitor triggers a campaign as soon as they meet all the targeting conditions: 

  • They meet the segmentation conditions
  • During their session, they visit at least one of the targeted pages 
  • They meet the session trigger condition.

In A/B testing, a visitor exposed to a variation of a specific test will continue to see the same variation in future sessions, as long as the test campaign is live. This guarantees reliable measurement of potential changes in behavior across all sessions.

We will now describe how this user journey will be taken into account in the various AB Tasty and GA reports. 

Analysis in AB Tasty

In AB Tasty, there is only one report and therefore only one attribution per campaign.

The user journey above will be reported as follows for Campaign A:

  • Total Users (Unique visitors) = 1, based on a unique user ID contained in a cookie; here there is only one user in our example.
  • Total Session = 2, s2 and s3, which are the sessions that took place during and after the display of Campaign A, are taken into account even if s3 didn’t re-trigger campaign A
  • Total Transaction = 1, the s3 transaction will be counted even if s3 has not re-triggered Campaign A.

In short, AB Tasty will collect and display in Campaign A reporting all the visitor’s sessions and events from the moment the visitor first triggered the campaign

Analysis in Google Analytics

The classic way to analyze A/B test results in GA is to create an analysis segment and apply it to your reports. 

However, this segment can be designed using 2 different methods, 2 different scopes, and depending on the scope chosen, the reports will not present the same data. 

Method 1: On a user segment/user scope

Here we detail the user scope, which will include all user data corresponding to the segment settings. 

In our case, the segment setup might look something like this: 

This segment will therefore include all data from all sessions of all users who, at some point during the analysis date range, have received an event with the parameter event action = Campaign A.

We can then see in the GA report for our user journey example: 

  • Total User = 1, based on a user ID contained in a cookie (like AB Tasty); here there is only one user in our example
  • Total Session = 3, s1, s2 and s3 which are the sessions created by the same user entering the segment and therefore includes all their sessions
  • Total Transaction = 1, transaction s3 will be counted as it took place in session s3 after the triggering of the campaign.

In short, in this scenario, Google Analytics will count and display all the sessions and events linked to this single visitor (over the selected date range), even those prior to the launch of Campaign A.

Method 2: On a session segment/session scope 

The second segment scope detailed below is the session scope. This includes only the sessions that correspond to the settings.

In this second case, the segment setup could look like this: 

This segment will include all data from sessions that have, at some point during the analysis date range, received an event with the parameter event action = Campaign A.

As you can see, this setting will include fewer sessions than the previous one. 

In the context of our example:

  • Total User = 1, based on a user ID contained in a cookie (like AB Tasty), here there’s only one user in our example
  • Total Session = 1, only s2 triggers campaign A and therefore sends the campaign event 
  • Total Transaction = 0, the s3 transaction took place in the s3 session, which does not trigger campaign A and therefore does not send an event, so it is not taken into account. 

In short, in this case, Google Analytics will count and display all the sessions – and the events linked to these sessions – that triggered campaign A, and only these.

Attribution model

Tool – scope Counted in the selected timeframe
AB Tasty All sessions and events that took place after the visitor first triggered campaign A
Google Analytics – user scope  All sessions and events of a user that triggered campaign A at least once during one their sessions
Google Analytics – session scope  Only sessions that have triggered campaign A


Different attribution for different objectives

Depending on the different attributions of the various reports, we can observe different figures without the type of tracking being different. 

The only metric that always remains constant is the sum of Users (Unique visitors in AB Tasty). This is calculated in a similar (but not identical) way between the 2 tools. It’s therefore the benchmark metric, and also the most reliable for detecting malfunctions between A/B testing tools and analytics tools with different calculations. 

On the other hand, the attribution of sessions or events (e.g. a transaction) can be very different from one report to another. All the more so as it’s not possible in GA to recreate a report with an attribution model similar to that of AB Tasty. 

Ultimately, A/B test performance analysis relies heavily on data attribution, and our exploration of the differences between AB Tasty and Google Analytics highlighted significant distinctions in the way these tools attribute user interactions. These divergences are the result of different designs and distinct objectives.

From campaign performance to holistic analysis: Which is the right solution for you?

AB Tasty, as a solution dedicated to the experimentation and optimization of user experiences, stands out for its more specialized approach to attribution. It offers a clear and specific view of A/B test performance, by grouping attribution data according to campaign objectives. 

Making a modification on a platform and testing it aims to measure the impact of this modification on the performance of the platform and its metrics, during the current session and during future sessions of the same user. 

On the other hand, Google Analytics focuses on the overall analysis of site activity. It’s a powerful tool for gathering data on the entire user journey, from traffic sources to conversions. However, its approach to attribution is broader, encompassing all session data, which can lead to different data cross-referencing and analysis than AB Tasty, as we have seen in our example.

It’s essential to note that one is not necessarily better than the other, but rather adapted to different needs. 

  • Teams focusing on the targeted improvement of cross-session user experiences will find significant value in the attribution offered by AB Tasty. 
  • On the other hand, Google Analytics remains indispensable for the holistic analysis of user behavior on a site.

The key to effective use of these solutions lies in understanding their differences in attribution, and the ability to exploit them in complementary ways. Ultimately, the choice will depend on the specific objectives of your analysis, and the alignment of these tools with your needs will determine the quality of your insights.


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How to Effectively Use Sequential Testing Tue, 24 Oct 2023 13:38:36 +0000 In A/B tests where you can see the data coming in a continuous stream, it’s tempting to stop the experiment before the planned end. It’s so tempting that in fact a lot of practitioners don’t even really know why one […]

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In A/B tests where you can see the data coming in a continuous stream, it’s tempting to stop the experiment before the planned end. It’s so tempting that in fact a lot of practitioners don’t even really know why one has to define a testing period beforehand. 

Some platforms have even changed their statistical tools to take this into account and have switched to sequential testing which is designed to handle tests this way. 

Sequential testing enables you to evaluate data as it’s collected to determine if an early decision can be made, helping you cut down on A/B test duration as you can ‘peak’ at set points.

But, is this an efficient and beneficial type of testing? Spoiler: yes and no, depending on the way you use it.

Why do we need to wait for the predetermined end of the experiment? 

Planning and respecting the data collection period of an experiment is crucial. Historical techniques use “fixed horizon testing” that establishes these guidelines for all to follow. If you do not respect this condition, then you don’t have the guarantee provided by the statistical framework. This statistical framework guarantees that you only have a 5% error risk when using the common decision thresholds.

Sequential testing promises that when using the proper statistical formulas, you can stop an experiment as soon as the decision threshold is crossed and still have the 5% error risk guarantee. The test user here is the sequential Z-test, which is based on the classical Z-test with an added correction to take the sequential usage into account. 

In the following sections, we will look at two objections that are often raised when it comes to sequential testing that may put it at odds with CRO practices. 

Sequential testing objection 1: “Each day has to be sampled the same

The first objection is that one should sample each day of the week the same way. This is basically to have a sampling that represents reality. This is the case in a classic A/B test. However, this rule may be broken if you use sequential testing since you can stop the test mid-week but this is not always applicable. Since in reality there are seven different days, your sampling unit should be by week and not by day to account for behavioral differences over the course of a week. 

As experiments typically last 2-3 weeks, then the promise of sequential testing saving days isn’t necessarily correct unless a winner appears very early in the process. However, it’s more likely that the statistical test yielded significance during the last week. In this case, it’s best to complete the data collection until each day is sampled evenly so that the full period is covered.

Let’s consider the following simulation setting:

  • One reference with a 5% conversion rate
  • One variation with a  5.5% conversion rate (a 10% relative improvement)
  • 5,000 visitors as daily traffic
  • 14 days (2 weeks) of data collection
  • We ran thousands of such experiments to get histograms for different decision index

In the following histogram, the horizontal axis is the day when the sequential testing crosses the significance threshold. The vertical axis is the ratio of experiments which stopped on this day.

In this setting, day 10 is the most likely day for the sequential testing to reach significance. This means that you will need to wait until the planned end of the test to respect the “same sampling each day” rule. And it’s very unlikely that you will get a significant positive result in one week. Thus, in practice, determining the winner sooner with sequential testing doesn’t apply in CRO.

Sequential testing objection 2: “Yes, (effect) size does matter

In sequential testing, this is often a less obvious problem and may need some further clarification to be properly understood.

In CRO, we consider mainly two statistical indices for decision-making: 

  • The pValue or any other confidence index, which is linked to the fact that there exists (or not) a difference between the original and the variation. This index is used to validate or invalidate the test hypothesis. But a validated hypothesis is not necessarily a good business decision, so we need more information.
  • The Confidence Interval (CI) around the estimated gain, which indicates the size of the effect. It’s also central to business decisions. For instance, a variation can be a clear winner but with a very little margin that may not cover the implementation or operating costs such as coupon offerings that need to cover the coupon cost.

Confidence intervals can be seen as a best and worst case scenario. For example a CI = [1% ; 12%] means “in the worst case you will only get 1% relative uplift,” which means going from 5% conversion rate to 5.05%. 

If the variation has an implementation or operating cost, the results may not be satisfying. In that case, the solution would be to collect more data in order to have a narrower confidence interval, until you get a more satisfying lower bound, or you may find that the upper bound goes very low showing that the effect, even if it exists, is too low to be worth it from a business perspective.

Using the same scenario as above, the lower bound of the confidence interval can be plotted as follows:

  • Horizontal axis – the percentage value of the lower bound
  • Vertical axis – the proportion of experiments with this lower bound value
  • Blue curve – sequential testing CI
  • Orange curve – classical fixed horizon testing

We can see that sequential testing has a very low confidence interval for the lower bound. Most of the time, this is lower than 2% (in relative gain, which is very small). This means that you will get very poor information for business decisions. 

Meanwhile, a classic fixed horizon testing (orange curve) will produce a lower bound >5% in half of the cases, which is a more comfortable margin. Therefore, you can continue the data collection until you have a useful result, which means waiting for more data. Even if by chance the sequential testing found a variant reaching significance in one week, you will still need to collect data for another week to do two things: have a useful estimation of the uplift and sample each day equally.

This makes sense in light of the purpose of sequential testing: quickly detect when a variation produces results that differ from the original, whether for the worse or better.

If done as soon as possible, it makes sense to stop the experiment as soon as the gain confidence interval lays mostly either on the positive or negative side. Then, for the positive side, the CI lower bound is close to 0, which doesn’t allow for efficient business decisions. It’s worth noting that for other applications other than CRO, this behaviour may be optimal and that’s why sequential testing exists.

When does sequential testing in CRO make sense?

As we’ve seen, sequential testing should not be used to quickly determine a winning variation. However, it can be useful in CRO in order to detect losing variations as soon as possible (and prevent loss of conversions, revenue, …).

You may be wondering why it’s acceptable to stop an experiment midway through when your variation is losing rather than when you have a winning variation. This is because of the following reasons:

  • The most obvious one: To put it simply, you’re losing conversions. This is acceptable in the context of searching for a better variation than the original. However, this makes little sense in cases where there is a notable loss, indicating that the variation has no more chances to be a winner. An alerting system set at a low sensitivity level will help detect such impactful losses.
  • The less obvious one: Sometimes when an experiment is only slightly “losing” for a good period of time, practitioners tend to let this kind of test run in the hopes that it may turn into a “winner”. Thus, they accept this loss because the variation is only “slightly” losing but they often forget that another valuable component is lost in the process: traffic, which is essential for experimentation. For an optimal CRO strategy, one needs to take these factors into account and consider stopping this kind of useless experiment, doomed to have small effects. In such a scenario, an automated alert system will suggest stopping this kind of test and allocate this traffic to other experiments.

Therefore, sequential testing is, in fact, a valuable tool to alert and stop a losing variation.

However, one more objection could still be raised: by stopping the experiment midway,  you are breaking the “sample each day the same” rule. 

In this particular case, stopping a losing variation has very little chance to be a bad move. In order for the detected variation to become a winner, it first needs to gain enough conversions tobe comparable to the original version. Then it would need another set of conversions to be a “mild” winner and that still wouldn’t be enough to be considered a business winner (and cover the implementation or exploitation costs of that winner). To be considered a winner for your business, the competing variation will need another high amount of conversions with a sufficient margin. This margin needs to be high enough to cover the cost of implementation, localization, and/or operating costs.

All the aforementioned events should happen in less than a week (ie. the number of days needed to complete the current week). This is very unlikely, which means it’s safe and smart to stop such experiments.


It may be surprising or disappointing to see that there’s no business value in stopping winning experiments early as others may believe. This is because a statistical winner is not a business winner. Stopping a test early is taking away the data you need to reach a significant effect size that would increase your chances of getting a winning variation.

With that in mind, the best way to use this type of testing is as an alert to help spot and stop tests that are either harmful to the business or not worth continuing. 

About the Author:

Hubert Wassner has been working as a Senior Data Scientist at AB Tasty since 2014. With a passion for science, data and technology, his work has focused primarily on all the statistical aspects of the platform, which includes building Bayesian statistical tests adapted to the practice of A/B testing for the web and setting up a data science team for machine learning needs.

After getting his degree in Computer Science with a speciality in Signal Processing at ESIEA, Hubert started his career as a research engineer doing research work in the field of voice recognition in Switzerland followed by research in the field of genomic data mining at a biotech company. He was also a professor at ESIEA engineer school where he taught courses in algorithmics and machine learning.

The post How to Effectively Use Sequential Testing appeared first on abtasty.

Inconclusive A/B Test Results – What’s Next? Thu, 05 Oct 2023 07:56:01 +0000 Have you ever had an experiment leave you with an unexpected result and were unsure of what to do next? This is the case for many when receiving neutral, flat, or inconclusive A/B test results and this is a question […]

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Have you ever had an experiment leave you with an unexpected result and were unsure of what to do next? This is the case for many when receiving neutral, flat, or inconclusive A/B test results and this is a question we aim to answer.

In this article, we are going to discuss what an inconclusive experimentation result is, what you can learn from it, and what the next step is when you receive this type of result.

What is an inconclusive experiment result?

We have two definitions for an inconclusive experiment: a practitioner’s answer and a more broken-down answer. A basic practitioner’s answer is a numerical answer that shows statistical information depending on the platform you’re using:

  • The probability of a winner is less than 90-95%
  • The pValue is bigger than 0.05
  • The lift confidence interval includes 0

In other words, an inconclusive result happens when the results of an experiment are non-statistically significant or an uplift is too small to be measured. 

However, let’s take note of the true meaning of “significance” in this case: the significance is the threshold one has previously set as a metric or a statistic for measurement. If this previously set threshold is crossed, then an action will be made, usually implementing the winning variation.

Setting thresholds for experimentation

It’s important to note that the user sets the threshold and there are no magic formulas for calculating a threshold value. The only mandatory thing that must be done is that the threshold must be set before the beginning of an experiment. In doing so, this statistical hypothesis protocol provides caution and mitigates the risks of making a poor decision or missing an opportunity during experimentation.

To set a proper threshold, you will need a mix of statistical and business knowledge considering the context.

There is no golden rule, but there is a widespread consensus for using a “95% significance threshold.” However, it’s best to use this generalization cautiously as using the 95% threshold may be a bad choice in some contexts.

To make things simple, let’s consider that you’ve set a significance threshold that fits your experiment context. Then, having a “flat” result may have different meanings – we will dive into this more in the following sections.

The best tool: the confidence interval (CI)

The first thing to do after the planned end of an experiment is to check the confidence interval (CI) that can tell useful information without any notion of significance. The usage is a 95% confidence level to build these intervals. This means that there is a 95% chance that the real value lies between its boundaries. You can consider the boundaries to be an estimate of the best and worst-case scenarios.

Let’s say that your experiment is collaborating with a brand ambassador (or influencer) to attract more attention and sales. You want to see the impact the brand ambassador has on the conversion rate. There are several possible scenarios depending on the CI values:

Scenario 1:

The confidence interval of the lift is [-1% : +1%]. This means that in the best-case scenario, this ambassador effect is a 1% gain and in the worst-case scenario, the effect is -1%. If this 1% relative gain is less than the cost of the ambassador, then you know that it’s okay to stop this collaboration.

A basic estimation can be done by taking this 1% of your global revenue from an appropriate period. If this is smaller than the cost of the ambassador, then there is no need for “significance“ to validate the decision – you are losing money.

Sometimes neutrality is a piece of actionable information.

Scenario 2: 

The confidence interval of the lift is [-1% : +10%]. Although this sounds promising, it’s important not to make quick assumptions. Since the 0 is still in the confidence interval, you’re still unsure if this collaboration has a real impact on conversion. In this case, it would make sense to extend the experiment period because there are more chances that the gain will be positive than negative.

It’s best to extend the experimentation period until the left bound gets to a “comfortable” margin.

Let’s say that the cost of the collaboration is covered if the gain is as small as 3%, then any CI [3%, XXX%] will be okay. With a CI like this, you are ensuring that the worst-case scenario is even. And with more data, you will also have a better estimate of the best-case scenario, which will certainly be lower than the initial 10%.

Important notice: do not repeat this too often, otherwise you may be waiting until your variant beats the original just by chance.

When extending a testing period, it’s safer to do it by looking at the CI rather than the “chances to win” or P-value, because the CI provides you with an estimate of the effect size. When the variant wins only by chance (which you increase when extending the testing period), it will yield a very small effect size.

You will notice the size of the gain by looking at the CI, whereas a p-value (or any statistical index) will not inform you about the size. This is a known statistical mistake called p-hacking. P-hacking is basically running an experiment until you get what you expect.

The dangers of P-hacking in experimentation

It’s important to be cautious of p-hacking. Statistical tests are meant to be used once. Splitting the analysis into segments, to some extent, can be seen as portraying different experiences. Therefore, if making a unique decision at a 95% significance level means accepting a 5% risk of having a false positive, then checking for 2 segments implicitly leads to doubling this risk to 10% (roughly).

We recommend the following advice may help to mitigate this risk:

  • Limit the number of segments you are studying to only segments that could have a reason to interact differently with the variation. For example: if it’s a user interface modification (such as the screen size or the navigator used), it may have an impact on how the modification is displayed, but not the geolocation.
  • Use segments that convey strong information regarding the experiment. For example: Changing the wording of anything may have no link to the navigator used. It may only have an effect on the emotional needs of the visitors, which is something you can capture with new AI technology when using AB Tasty.
  • Don’t check the smallest segments. The smallest segments will not greatly impact your business overall and are often the least statistically significant. Raising the significance threshold may also be useful to mitigate the risk of having a false positive

Should you extend the experiment period often?

If you notice that you often need to extend the experiment period, you might be skipping an important step in the test protocol: estimating the sample size you need for your experiment.

Unfortunately, many people are skipping this part of the experiment thinking that they can fix it later by extending the period. However, this is bad practice for several reasons:

  • This brings you close to P-hacking
  • You may lose time and traffic on tests that will never be significant

Asking a question you can’t know the answer to can be very difficult: what will be the size of the lift? It’s impossible to know. This is one reason why experimenters don’t often use sample size calculators. The reason you test and experiment is because you do not know the outcome.

A far more intuitive approach is to use a Minimal Detectable Effect (MDE) calculator. Based on the base conversion rate and the number of visitors you send to a given experiment, an MDE calculator can help you come up with the answer to the question: what is the smallest effect you may be able to detect? (if it exists).

For example, if the total traffic on a given page is 15k for 2 weeks, and the conversion rate is 3% – the calculator will tell you that the MDE is about 25% (relative). This means that what you are about to test must have a quite big impact: going from 3% to 3.75% (25% relative growth).

If your variant is only changing some colors to a small button, developing an entire experiment may not be worth the time. Even if the new colors are better and give you a small uplift, it will not be significant in the classic statistical way (having a “chance to win” >95% or a p-value < 0.05).

On the other hand, if your variation tests a big change such as offering a coupon or a brand new product page format, then this test has a chance to give usable results in the given period.

Digging deeper into ‘flatness’

Some experiments may appear to be flat or inconclusive when in reality, they need a closer look.

For example, frequent visitors may be puzzled by your changes because they expect your website to remain the same, whereas new visitors may instantly prefer your variation. This combined effect of the two groups may cancel each other out when looking at the overall results instead of further investigating the data. This is why it’s very important to take the time to dig into your visitor segments as it can provide useful insights.

This can lead to very useful personalization where only a given segment will be exposed to the variation with benefits.

What is the next step after receiving an inconclusive experimentation result?

Let’s consider that your variant has no effect at all, or at least not enough to have a business impact. This still means something. If you reach this point, it means that all previous ideas fell short; You discovered no behavioral difference despite the changes you made in your variation.

What is the next step in this case? The next step is actually to go back to the previous step – the hypothesis. If you are correctly applying the testing protocol, you should have stated a clear hypothesis. It’s time to use it now.

There might be several meta-hypotheses about why your hypothesis has not been validated by your experiment:

  • The signal is too weak. You might have made a change, but perhaps it’s barely noticeable. If you offered free shipping, your visitors might not have seen the message if it’s too low on the page.
  • The change itself is too weak. In this case, try to make the change more significant. If you have increased the product picture on the page by 5% – it’s time to try 10% or 15%.
    The hypothesis might need revision. Maybe the trend is reversed. For instance, if the confidence interval of the gain is more on the negative side, why not try the opposite idea to implement?
  • Think of your audience. Another consideration is that even if you have a strong belief about your hypothesis, it’s just time to change your mind about what is important for your visitors and try something different.

It’s important to notice that this change is something that you’ve learned thanks to your experiment. This is not a waste of time – it’s another step forward to better knowing your audience.

Yielding an inconclusive experiment

An experiment not yielding a clear winner (or loser), is often called neutral, inconclusive, or flat. This still produces valuable information if you know how and where to search. It’s not an end, it’s just another step further in your understanding of who you’re targeting.

In other words, an inconclusive experiment result is always a valuable result.

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Mastering Customer Engagement with Tula Wed, 13 Sep 2023 14:23:18 +0000 Discover how Tula Skincare tackles data-driven personalization and customer engagement challenges. Join us to explore accessing first-party data, customer value strategies, and seamless data collection.

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In this webinar, Tula Skincare, the renowned probiotic skincare brand, outline the challenges they face in getting data-driven personalization and customer engagement.

We explore how to access first-party data, including implicit and explicit data, to enhance the customer experience.

We share strategies on how to make customers feel valued and rewarded for sharing their information. How to do that while creating a seamless customer journey. Fun ways you can engage with your audience. Lastly, get insights into the collaborative teams and processes necessary to be able to test and experiment in these areas!

Webinar Highlights:

  • Accessing first-party data: Implicit and explicit insights
  • Engaging through interactive quizzes: Tula’s success story
  • Seamless data collection: Adding value without interruption

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CRO Metrics: Navigating Pitfalls and Counterintuitive KPIs Tue, 22 Aug 2023 14:45:23 +0000 Metrics play an essential role in measuring performance and influencing decision-making. However, relying on certain metrics alone can lead you to misguided conclusions and poor strategic choices. Potentially misleading metrics are often referred to as “pitfall metrics” in the world […]

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Metrics play an essential role in measuring performance and influencing decision-making.

However, relying on certain metrics alone can lead you to misguided conclusions and poor strategic choices. Potentially misleading metrics are often referred to as “pitfall metrics” in the world of Conversion Rate Optimization.

Pitfall metrics are data indicators that can give you a distorted version of reality or an incomplete view of your performance if analyzed in isolation. Pitfall metrics can even cause you to backtrack in your performance if you’re not careful about how you evaluate these metrics.

Metrics are typically split into two categories:

  • Session metrics: Any metrics that are measured on a session instead of a visitor basis
  • Count metrics: Metrics that count events (for instance number of pages viewed)

Some metrics can mesh into both categories. Needless to say, that’s the worst option for a few main reasons: no real statistical model is used when meshing into both categories. There is no direct/simple link to business objectives and these metrics may not need standard optimization.

While metrics are very valuable for business decisions, it’s crucial to use them wisely and be mindful of potential pitfalls in your data collection and analysis. In this article, we will explore and explain why some metrics are very not wise to use in practice in CRO.

Session-based metrics vs visitors

One problem with session-based metrics is that “power users” (AKA users returning for multiple sessions during the experimentation) will lead to a bias with the results.

Let’s remember that during experimentation, the traffic split between the variations is a random process.

Typically you think of a traffic split as very random but very even groups. When we talk about big groups of users – this is typically true. However, when you consider a small group, it’s very unlikely that you will have an even split in terms of visitor behaviors, intentions and types.

Let’s say that you have 12 power users that need to be randomly divided between two variations. Let’s say that these power users have 10x more sessions than the average user. It’s quite likely that you will end up with a 4 and 8 split, a 2 and 10 split, or another uneven split. Having an even split randomly occur is very unlikely. You will then end up in one of two very likely situations:

  • Situation 1: Very few users may make you believe you have a winning variation (which doesn’t yet exist)
  • Situation 2: The winning variation is masked because it  received too few of these power users

Another problem with session-based metrics is that a session-based approach blurs the meaning of important metrics like transaction rates. The recurring problem here is that not all visitors display the same type of behavior. If average buyers need 3 sessions to make a purchase while some need 10, this is a difference in user behavior and does not have anything to do with your variation. If your slow buyers are not evenly split between the variations, then you will see a discrepancy in the transaction rate that doesn’t actually exist.

Moreover, the metric itself will lose part of its intuitive meaning over time. If your real conversion rate is around 3%, but counted by session and not by unique visitors, you will only likely only see a 1% conversion rate when switching to unique visitors.

This is not only disappointing but very confusing.

Imagine a variation urging visitors to buy sooner by using “stress marketing” techniques. Let’s say this leads to a one session purchase instead of three sessions. You will see a huge gain (3x) on the conversion per session. BUT this “gain” is not an actual gain since the number of conversions will have no effect on the revenue earned. It’s also good to keep in mind that visitors under pressure may not feel very happy or comfortable with such a quick purchase and may not return.

It’s best practice to avoid using session-based metrics unless you don’t have another choice as they can be very misleading.

Understanding count metrics

We will come back to our comparison of these two types of metrics. But for now, let’s get on the same page about “count metrics.” To understand why count metrics are harder to assess, you need to have more context on how to measure accuracy and where exactly the measure comes from.

To model rate accuracy measures, we use beta distribution. In the graph below, we see the measure of two conversion ratios – one blue and one orange. The X-axis is the rate and Y-axis is the likelihood. When trying to measure the probability that the two rates are different, we implicitly explore the part of the two curves that are overlapping.

In this case, the two curves have very little overlap. Therefore, the probability that these two rates are actually different is quite high.

The more narrow or compact the distribution is, the easier it is to see that they’re different.

Want to start optimizing your website with a platform you can trust? AB Tasty is the best-in-class experience optimization platform that empowers you to create a richer digital experience – fast. From experimentation to personalization, this solution can help you activate and engage your audience to boost your conversions.

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The fundamental difference between conversion and count distributions

Conversion metrics are bounded into [0:1] as a rate or [0%:100%] as a percentage. But, for count metrics the range is open, and the counts are in [0,+infinity].

The following figure shows a gamma distribution (in orange) that may be used with this kind of data, along with a beta distribution (in blue).

These two distributions are based on the same data: 10 visitors and 5 successes. This is a 0.5 success rate (or 50%) when considering unique conversions. In the context of multiple conversions, it’s a process with an average of 0.5 rate conversion per visitor.

Notice that the orange curve (for the count metric) is non-0 above x = 1, this clearly shows that it expects that sometimes there will be more than 1 conversion per visitor.

We will see that comparisons between this kind of metric depend on whether we consider it as a count metric or as a rate. There are two options:

  • Either we consider that the process is a conversion process, using a beta distribution (in blue), which is naturally bounded in [0;1].
  • Or we consider that the process is a count process, using gamma distribution (in orange), which is not bounded on the right side.

On the graph, we see an inner property of count data distributions, they are dissymmetric: the right part goes slower to 0 than the left part. This makes it naturally more spread out than the beta distribution.

Since both curves are distributions, their surface under the curve must be 1.

As you can see, the beta distribution (in blue) has a higher peak than the gamma distribution (in orange). This exposes that the gamma distribution is more spread out than the beta distribution. This is a hint that count distributions are harder to get accurate than conversion distributions. This is also why we need more visitors to assess a difference when using count metrics rather than when using conversion metrics.

To understand this problem you have to imagine two gamma distribution curves, one for each variation of an experiment. Then, gradually shift one on the right, showing an increasing difference between the two distributions. (see figure below)

Since both curves are right-skewed, the overlap region will occur on at least one of the skewed parts of the distributions.

This means that differences will be harder to assess with count data than with conversion data. This comes from the fact that count data works on an open range, whereas conversion rates work on a closed range.

Do count metrics need more visitors to get accurate results?

No, it is more complex than that in the CRO context. Typical statistical tests for count metrics are not suited for CRO in practice.

Most of these tests come from the industrial world. A classic usage of count metrics is counting the number of failures of a machine in a given timeframe. In this context, the risk of failure doesn’t depend on previous events. If a machine already had one failure and has been repaired, the chance of a second failure is considered to be the same.

This hypothesis is not suited for the number of pages viewed by a visitor. In reality, if a visitor saw two pages, there’s a higher chance that they will see a third page compared to a visitor that just saw one page (since they have a high probability to “bounce”).

The industrial model does not fit in the CRO context since it deals with human behavior, making it much more complex.

Not all conversions have the same value

The next CRO struggle also comes from the direct exploitation of formulas from the industrial world.

If you run a plant that produces goods with machines, and you test a new kind of machine that produces more goods per day on average, you will conclude that these new machines are a good investment. Because the value of a machine is linear with its average production, each extra product adds the same value to the business.

But this is not the same in CRO.

Imagine this experiment result for a media company:

Variation B is yielding an extra 1,000 page views more than the original A. Based on that data, you put variation B in production. Let’s say that variation B lost 500 people that saw 2 pages and variation B also won 20 people that saw 100 pages each. That makes a net benefit of 1000 page views for variation B.

But what about the value? These 20 people, even if they spent a lot of time on the media, are maybe not the same value as 500 people that come regularly.

In CRO each extra value added to a count metric does not have the same value, so you cannot trust measured increment as a direct added value.

In applied statistics, one adds an extra layer to the analysis: a utility function, which links extra counts to value. This utility function is very specific to the problem and is unknown to most CRO problems. Even if you get some more conversions in a count metric context, you are unsure about the real value of this gain (if any).

Some count metrics are not meant to be optimized

Let’s see some examples where raising the number of a count metric might not be a good thing:

  • Page views: If the count of page views rises, you can think it’s a good thing because people are seeing more of your products. However, you can also think that people get lost and need to browse more pages to find what they need.
  • Items added to cart: We have the same idea for the number of products added to the cart. If you do not check how many products remain in the cart at the checkout stage, you don’t know if the variation helps to sell more or if it just makes the product selection harder.
  • Product purchased: Even the number of products purchased may be misleading as a business objective alone if used alone in an optimization context. Visitors could be buying two cheaper products instead of one high-quality (and more expensive) product.

You can’t tell just by looking at these KPIs if your variation or change is good for your business or not. There is more that needs to be considered when looking at these numbers.

How do we use this count data then?

We see in this article how counterintuitive optimization based on sessions is. And even worse, we see how misleading count metrics are in CRO.

Unless you have both business and statistics expert resources, it’s best practice to avoid them, at least as a unique KPI.

As a workaround, you can use several conversion metrics with specific triggers using business knowledge to set the thresholds. For instance:

  • Use one conversion metric for count is in the range [1; 5] called “light users.”
  • Use another conversion metric in the range [6,10] called “medium users.”
  • Use another one for the range [11,+infinity] called “heavy users”.

Splitting up the conversion metrics in this way will give you a clearer signal about where you gain or lose conversions.

Another piece of advice is to use several KPIs to have a broader view.

For instance, although analyzing the product views alone is not a good idea – you can check the overall conversion rate and average order value at the same time. If product views and conversion KPIs are going up and the average order value is stable or goes up, then you can conclude that your new product page layout is a success.

Counterintuitive Metrics in CRO

Now you see that except for conversions counted on a unique visitor basis, nearly all other metrics can be very counterintuitive to use in CRO. Mistakes can happen because of statistics that work differently, and also because the meaning of these metrics and their evolutions may have several interpretations.

It’s important to understand that CRO skill is a mix of statistics, business and UX knowledge. Since it’s very rare to have all this within one person, the key is to have the needed skills spread across a team with good communication.

The post CRO Metrics: Navigating Pitfalls and Counterintuitive KPIs appeared first on abtasty.

How Hunter Boots Drove Value with Social Proof Fri, 02 Jun 2023 14:56:48 +0000 Find out how Hunter Boots used social proof as a valuable tool to enrich the customer experience and drive incremental value using AB Tasty and Conversio.

The post How Hunter Boots Drove Value with Social Proof appeared first on abtasty.

Founded in 1856, Hunter is a progressive British heritage brand renowned for its iconic original boot and holds two Royal Warrants of Appointment to HM The King and HRH The Duke of Edinburgh. The brand has a rich history of innovation and continues to design to protect from the elements and perform on varied landscapes.

The Social Proof Hypothesis

“Social proof is one of the most useful tools of persuasion a brand can employ. Used well it can enrich the customer experience and help customers make an informed decision based on what others are doing” explains Beth Hodge, Head of Optimisation at Conversio. “Working together with Hunter Boots and AB Tasty we wanted to measure whether social proof can improve the experience for Hunter customers and ultimately drive incremental value. Importantly we also had to consider how to serve a message that aligned with the Hunter brand and how it should be applied to different geographic segments considering Hunter Boot’s broad international customer base”

 To do this Conversio defined a strategy to test and measure AB Tasty’s social proof capabilities and individually measure the impact on UK and US customers. Conversio’s detailed data-first approach wanted to establish which messaging and metrics most resonate with the customer, which pages and locations social proof has the highest impact and the optimum thresholds that define exposure. “It’s critical that when launching social proof you optimize all the elements of the experience to maximize your results, it’s about the continuous refinement of the experience” adds Beth.

About Conversio

Conversio is a leading independent optimization and analytics agency, headquartered in London and partners with AB Tasty. They are down-to-earth e-commerce experts who use data, insight, and continuous experimentation to sustainably grow your business


After an initial proof of concept and refining the experience with optimized messaging and positioning social proof demonstrated a +9% conversion rate improvement for the UK site and +6 for the US site.

“What was clear from our analysis of those customers exposed to social proof was that we needed to apply specific tactics and design by market to maximize the value of this feature, for example, it was clear that product view data had a bigger impact on US customers than it did in the UK” explained Beth.

Hunter Boots now had a solid foundation on which to grow and expand their use of social proof.

As part of Conversio’s approach to further refining the customer experience of social proof they worked closely with the AB Tasty team to make use of the social proof API. This gave Hunter Boots greater flexibility about where and when to serve these messages to their customers. This included intelligently rotating two different social proof metrics on the product pages vs. a single message which had shown the initial promising results. This further improved on the conversion uplift already seen by 2% in the UK and 1% in the US.

Next Steps – Building on the success

“We are pleased to see the addition of social proof resonating so well with our customers, we have worked with Conversio to ensure the messaging feels on-brand while still highlighting product popularity. This is especially impactful for the rollout of new footwear product categories like commando boots and sandals as customers are less knowledgeable on these products. Social proof really helps us drive newness, and supports conversion rate across our well-known rubber boots. We are excited to see where we can optimse this experience going forward”

 Bryony Longden – Head of eCommerce Operations

Conversio already has plans in place to trial social proof badging on the product list pages as well as using it in the post-add-to-bag experience. Providing extensive experience and end-to-end conversion expertise, applying pre-eminent data analysis, insight and testing methodology to the optimization of e-commerce businesses by means of continuous improvements to their website performance and efficiency.


The implementation of social proof on Hunter Boots’ website proved to be a successful tactic, resulting in a significant increase in conversion rates for both the UK and US sites. A data-first approach and optimization strategy allowed for the refinement of the social proof experience, tailoring it to specific markets and product categories. It provided Hunter Boots with greater flexibility and opportunities for further optimization.

This success serves as an example of how social proof can be a valuable tool for brands to enrich the customer experience and drive incremental value.

The post How Hunter Boots Drove Value with Social Proof appeared first on abtasty.

Curbing the Consumption Crisis Thu, 01 Jun 2023 14:48:00 +0000 Increasing Conversions by Decreasing Digital Grazing Evan Wells, Sr Solution Consultant at Contentsquare, is an expert at creating successful digital experiences. His secret? Combine digital insights with AB testing to increase web activity and drive growth. The customer journey experience […]

The post Curbing the Consumption Crisis appeared first on abtasty.

Increasing Conversions by Decreasing Digital Grazing

Evan Wells, Sr Solution Consultant at Contentsquare, is an expert at creating successful digital experiences. His secret? Combine digital insights with AB testing to increase web activity and drive growth.

The customer journey experience has never been more important to companies than in the challenging landscape of 2023. Get insights from Contentsquare for the key to CX success. The upward rise in traffic, conversion rate, and how to retain customers on your site.

We’ll share key insights from the report that may already be affecting your CX and how you can enrich your testing initiatives to create conversions.

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Simplify Web Analytics Tue, 16 May 2023 13:38:00 +0000 Simplify Web Analytics: Better Ways to Understand Your Customers If you’re struggling to make sense of your website’s data using Universal Analytics or Google Analytics 4 we will show you better ways to understand your customers. Mixpanel shares its powerful […]

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Simplify Web Analytics: Better Ways to Understand Your Customers

If you’re struggling to make sense of your website’s data using Universal Analytics or Google Analytics 4 we will show you better ways to understand your customers.

Mixpanel shares its powerful behavioral analysis tools and how marketing teams can use precise data and experimentation to gain a deeper understanding of their users’ behavior and make data-driven decisions.

Say goodbye to confusion and frustration and hello to a world of intuitive web analytics. Join our upcoming webinar and learn how Mixpanel and AB Tasty can help you unlock the full potential of your website’s data, with practical examples from our customers.

The post Simplify Web Analytics appeared first on abtasty.
